(I've been very busy! Among other things adding lots of features to the Memia Cloud Services portfolio management toolset which is currently in development *and* doing a load of business planning around the forthcoming SaaS offering - watch this space...)
Meanwhile, I've recently joined the Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum (CCIF) and while browsing through the forum posts I came across one from Kent Langley of nScaled : "Cloud Computing Stack Update". In this post Kent updates his ontology of the Cloud Stack - copied below. This picture gives a nice "ground up" taxonomy view of the Cloud Stack, from "public utilities" (=power companies) upwards.

Nothing wrong with that, but as someone working in the Cloud space with a primarily *software* hat on, here's an (equally skewed!) ontology which elaborates a more software-centric view of the Cloud - effectively "above the line". Obviously its horses for courses, but in my opinion if we're trying to define the whole Cloud stack from top to bottom then we need to be more granular when describing the common services living within and across the PaaS/SaaS level. (Feedback invited on the contents of the light blue boxes - this is a first cut and I intend to iterate.)